Tips to get Bright Dewy Skin this summer!

Summer is almost here, and our cute summer dresses are out. It's time to swap your winter skincare products for a non-comedogenic summer skincare range. 

The flip side of summer for the skin is sweat. Sweat clogs the pores, leading to acne and breakouts, which is why summer skincare products are crucial. While using sunscreen to protect the skin is only one aspect of skincare tips for summer, you must nevertheless follow a proper skincare routine to save and protect your skin from tanning, clogged pores, and dullness. 

Change in season does create a lot of havoc for the skin. Most of us tend to suffer from breakouts as the skin goes from extremely dry to oily, given that sweating is also an add-on during summer. 

In such times, it is better to opt for skincare products that are skin-friendly, safe to use, and effective. Before you go on looking for products with these parameters, let us make your job easier. 

This summer, give your skin the boon of probiotic skincare products. Yes, you read it right! As beneficial as probiotics are known to be for the gut, they're also highly beneficial for the skin. 

Probiotic skincare comprises microorganisms that improve the health of your skin. The premise behind probiotic skincare is to help skin maintain its barrier and reduce the symptoms of skin conditions through a beneficial balance of microbes. 

Let's understand probiotics and the benefits of probiotic skincare a little better; 

Probiotics are live microorganisms that benefit the host immensely when used in controlled amounts. As a result of which, probiotic skincare has become extremely popular around the world. 

Probiotics help store the skin's pH and reduce the effects of sun damage, improve the skin's moisture barrier, reduce oxidative stress, and also help reduce the risk of skin cancer. 

There are three ways in which probiotics benefit the skin: 

  1. Probiotic skincare products act as a protective barrier for your skin by preventing the entry of bacteria and other microorganisms by invoking an immune reaction. This creates a calming environment for the skin and keeps acne-causing bacteria at bay. 
  2. Probiotic skincare products produce natural antibiotics known as antimicrobial peptides that combat bad bacteria. 
  3. Probiotics boost the skin's functionality in dealing with external damage factors such as the sun, free radicals, and pollution. 

Now that we've made probiotics a skincare hero, it is our unsaid duty to give you tips on how to get glowing skin in summer

  1. Hydrating your skin with probiotic skincare products

A hydrated body contributes to hydrated skin. Always carry a water bottle with you during summer. 

Moisturize your skin religiously without falling for myths like moisturizers are only important during winter. 

Using a toner is one of the quickest and most effective ways of hydrating your skin. And a toner with probiotics is even better! The Dab It On Toner is a powerful combination of hydrating Aloe vera with Vitamin B3, Witch Hazel, and Glycolic Acid that hydrates, nourishes, and soothes the skin. 

  1. Cleansing your skin with probiotic skincare products

Your day must begin with skin cleansing (once you've scrolled through the Instagram reels!).

 Cleansing your skin is extremely important to remove residue, get rid of clogged pores, and ensure a clean base for products to seep in. 

We say Clean it Off with our non-drying, non-irritant face wash formulation enriched with Aloe. 

  • Protection from sun damage
  • Never skimp on your sunscreen, no matter how late you're running. Apply an SPF 30-50 at least 15-20 minutes prior to going out and reapply the same every 3 to 4 hours. Sunscreen is a core essential in the list of summer skincare products; it is your skin's lifeline (and we are not exaggerating!) 

  • Exfoliation
  • Since your skin is exposed to higher temperatures and UV rays, the risk of breaking out and tanning is at an all-time high. 

    Exfoliation aids your skin in getting rid of dead skin cells and dirt that could clog your pores and lead to breakouts. 

  • Moisturization using probiotic skincare products
  • Opt for an ultra-lightweight moisturizer that moisturizes your skin while controlling excess sebum production. Sounds very familiar to our Soak it in Face Cream formulation! 

    1. Diet and Lifestyle

    Antioxidants are the best diet for your skin. Make sure you include fruits and veggies rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C while you steer clear of oily, sugary foods. 

    Keeping yourself physically active is the best answer to; how to take care of your skin in summer naturally. If the weather is keeping you away from the treadmill, go for an early morning run or join a fun Zumba class. Sweating it out will improve blood flow, so your skin will get more oxygen and be able to repair sunburn and acne. 

    Now that you know all the answers to; "how can I get glowing skin in summer?" let's have a look at some tips for using probiotic skin care products during summer: 

    Probiotic skincare is extremely safe to use and suits all skin types, so you don't have to worry about excessive purging when using these products. 

    However, it is suggested you begin with a leave-on product. Do a run test on a small portion of your skin, and if all goes well, use it on your face. 

    Moving on to some of the FAQs on skincare tips for summer: 

  • Why is my skin so dry in the summer?
  • Dry skin during summer is the by-product of heat and sun exposure. Heat affects the skin's ability to retain moisture, making it extremely dry. Factors like sitting in the AC all day further contribute to the same. Hence, dry skin care in summer must comprise daily moisturization. 

  • Does oily skin need moisturizer in summer?
  • YES! Oily skin needs moisturizer in summer to regulate sebum production. If your skin gets oilier during summer, it indicates moisture-deprived, dehydrated skin that needs nourishment. 

    Conclusion: If you want a flawless, dewy summer glow, probiotic skincare is the best place to start from. From maintaining a healthy skin barrier to treating breakouts and flare-ups, probiotics do it all for your skin. 

    Sonnet Wellness brings you the ideal proportionate mix of probiotics in skincare that tend to various skin types and skin issues. You finally have probiotic-laced skincare products for summer range that works!

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